

import { PublicKeyCredentialWithAttestationJSON } from "@github/webauthn-json";

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {boolean} enabled - Indicates passwords are enabled, so the API accepts login attempts using passwords.
 * @property {number} min_password_length - The minimum length of a password. To be used for password validation.
export interface PasswordConfig {
  enabled: boolean;
  min_password_length: number;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {boolean} require_verification - Indicates that email addresses must be verified.
 * @property {number} max_num_of_addresses - The maximum number of email addresses a user can have.
export interface EmailConfig {
  require_verification: boolean;
  max_num_of_addresses: number;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {boolean} allow_deletion - Indicates the current user is allowed to delete the account.
 * @property {boolean} allow_signup - Indicates the current user is allowed to sign up.
export interface AccountConfig {
  allow_deletion: boolean;
  allow_signup: boolean;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {PasswordConfig} password - The password configuration.
 * @property {EmailConfig} emails - The email configuration.
 * @property {string[]} providers - The enabled third party providers.
 * @property {AccountConfig} account - Controls the behaviour regarding user accounts.
 * @property {boolean} use_enterprise - Enterprise Connections are enabled.
export interface Config {
  password: PasswordConfig;
  emails: EmailConfig;
  providers: string[];
  account: AccountConfig;
  use_enterprise: boolean;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} credential_id - The ID of the credential that was used.
 * @property {string} user_id - The ID of the user that was used.
export interface WebauthnFinalized {
  credential_id: string;
  user_id: string;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} user_id - The ID of the user associated with the token.
export interface TokenFinalized {
  user_id: string;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The UUID of the user.
 * @property {boolean} verified - Indicates whether the user's email address is verified.
 * @property {string} email_id - The UUID of the email address.
 * @property {boolean} has_webauthn_credential - Indicates that the user has registered a WebAuthn credential in the past.
export interface UserInfo {
  id: string;
  verified: boolean;
  email_id: string;
  has_webauthn_credential: boolean;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The UUID of the current user.
 * @ignore
export interface Me {
  id: string;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The WebAuthn credential ID.
export interface Credential {
  id: string;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The user's UUID.
 * @property {string} email - The user's email.
 * @property {Credential[]} webauthn_credentials - A list of credentials that have been registered.
export interface User {
  id: string;
  email: string;
  webauthn_credentials: Credential[];

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} user_id - The user's UUID.
 * @property {string} email_id - The ID of the new email.
export interface UserCreated {
  user_id: string;
  email_id: string;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The UUID of the passcode.
 * @property {number} ttl - How long the code is active in seconds.
export interface Passcode {
  id: string;
  ttl: number;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string[]} - Transports which may be used by the authenticator. E.g. "internal", "ble",...
export interface WebauthnTransports extends Array<string> {}

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {WebauthnTransports} transports
 * @ignore
export interface Attestation extends PublicKeyCredentialWithAttestationJSON {
  transports: WebauthnTransports;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The UUID of the email address.
 * @property {string} address - The email address.
 * @property {boolean} is_verified - Indicates whether the email address is verified.
 * @property {boolean} is_primary - Indicates it's the primary email address.
 * @property {Identity} identity - Indicates that this email is linked to a third party account.
 * @property {Identity[]} identities - A list of identities, each identity indicates that this email is linked to a third party account.
export interface Email {
  id: string;
  address: string;
  is_verified: boolean;
  is_primary: boolean;
  identity: Identity;
  identities: Identity[];

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {Email[]} - A list of emails assigned to the current user.
export interface Emails extends Array<Email> {}

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The credential id.
 * @property {string=} name - The credential name.
 * @property {string} public_key - The public key.
 * @property {string} attestation_type - The attestation type.
 * @property {string} aaguid - The AAGUID of the authenticator.
 * @property {string} last_used_at - The time when the credential was used last.
 * @property {string} created_at - Time of credential creation.
 * @property {WebauthnTransports} transports
export interface WebauthnCredential {
  id: string;
  name?: string;
  public_key: string;
  attestation_type: string;
  aaguid: string;
  last_used_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  transports: WebauthnTransports;

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {WebauthnCredential[]} - A list of WebAuthn credential assigned to the current user.
export interface WebauthnCredentials extends Array<WebauthnCredential> {}

 * @interface
 * @category SDK
 * @subcategory DTO
 * @property {string} id - The subject ID with the third party provider.
 * @property {string} provider - The third party provider name.
export interface Identity {
  id: string;
  provider: string;